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Silver broke its yearly high recently.It will show big moves,may go upto 70,000-90,000.
If you want to earn daily without any big risk.

Start a trading account with nearby mcx broker.keep 10 to 20,000 margin there. This margin will remain totally safe.
Now ,how shall we know, what is good to buy or sell?
There are november & february series available today in silvermicro.(1kg) You need 6000 margin for 1kg silver.
We shall use safe hedging combination to earn regular 0.5%.means 125% pa.
Buy a silvermic nov wth 300 pt stoploss.
sell a silver mic feb wth 300pt stoploss.
Total risk-600.
open this trade@6.55pm in

suppose silver moves 1%(600pt),then -300 will go in loss,600 pt will gained in profit side.
If there is movement of 200pt only,then book in one side & wait in other side.
Hedging will give you clear profit 4 out of 10 times,mostly It helps to remain safe(without sudden loss) till clarity.
09754381469 /07828163601


  1. sir am i a small mcx trader please seend the tips & messages to me my mobi no:9493119126


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