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How to find strong share in stock market ? How to avoid fraud company

if auditor is changed?
tenure of last auditor
fancy non audit fee paid to auditor

good spend on R& D is better.
Software older than 10 yrs is a red flag.

we should meet management,detail website or Google maps or not?

Montiers C score / Beneish M score to check earning manipulation-
growing difference in net income and cash flow.
days sales outstanding DSO increasing
DSI ( inventory) increasing
increasing other current assets to revenue
decline in depreciation rate.
high total asset growth ( serial aquirer

Founder led or family led businesses performed well.

avoid averaging if stock makes sector relative low.
after 20% setback retest hypothisis 

Macro is not that important.
China is important 
oil price and exchange rates are more important than interest rates.

Recession -
new & used cars demand falling
property rent & buy demand falling.

Fertility - late marriage- less population
political scene- first year is positive and 3-4 is best 

Disruption thru technology
don't focus on quarters ,focus on 5-10 years vision.

happy employees are good sign.
Listen the sell side story first 
gradual position build up is right.


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