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Some words are in fashion for sometime.
“Positive thoughts” is such a word in fashion.
Many book,many leaders are discussing this single word.
In fact,one may fed up of such repitition,but how should one fed up of positivity?
I too struggled for long time,but I found a new fact,which gave me real freedom.
Do not choose positivity or negativity.
Choose the truth or reality.
If negativity is illusion, then forcefully imposed positivity is also a big illusion.
That can create big hurdle in our journey.
If we are sad & alone inside,then don’t run away.Watch & accept this state of mind.
Do not force yourself to cheer up.
Nature has given us 9 RASA (State of minds).All those must be useful,because nature has not given anything
useless.All rasa’s are there to enjoy a deep & fulfilled life.
Now, you will ask that what is the joy in KARUN(sadness) OR VIBHATSA(hatred)ras?
Then answer my simple question.
Why do go to see a horror movie – To feel fear after paying money.
Or you see a melodrama to shed tears in theatre. 
Family Portrait
You enjoy there by  your choice,
only because you are mentally prepared.
 So,there is nothing wrong to feel anything,
You should cry, get angry,feel fear, feel sometime lonely or sad to laugh from deep within.
You just do not keep occupied yourself with repeated shade,
even it is POSITIVE or NEGATIVE.


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